Friday 10 October 2014

News from Germany

Dresden in the late 19th century: Wikipedia

Saturday 10th October 1914: Violet Monica Salmond has returned home to Bedford after spending nine weeks in a village near Dresden in Germany. She was staying with a member of the civil authority and has been very well treated at all times. Leaving was difficult not because of any hindrance on the part of the Germans, but because it is now necessary to have a passport to buy a ticket. With help from officials of the United States of America seventy English people were able to leave Dresden on Monday on a special train by which they travelled via Amsterdam to Flushing. The worst part of the trip was the crossing of the North Sea in foggy conditions, with a long route necessary to avoid mines.

Miss Salmond reports that the art galleries and other public places in Dresden are closed and no veal or lamb can be eaten, but otherwise life in the city continues as normal. The German soldiers are receiving hard training and are not allowed to touch alcoholic drinks – something of a contrast to the situation here in  Bedford! Although she was an object of curiosity to the villagers people behaved well to her and as they travelled home everyone was very kind. The opinion in Dresden is that the war is entirely the fault of the British. They believe the first atrocities of the war were committed by Belgian soldiers, with the Germans retaliating in self-defence. According to Miss Salmond the news in the German papers is exactly the same as the news here, except that the names are all reversed.

Source: Bedfordshire Times 16th October 1914

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