Thursday 22 November 2018

Relaxation of Food Control for Christmas

Yirrell’s butcher’s shop, Old Road, Linslade c.1900 [Z50/74/15]

Friday 22nd November 1918: Although the War has now ended, the food shortages it caused will take some time to resolve. However, the Ministry of Food is trying to make it possible for people to celebrate Christmas on a much larger scale this year than last. It has announced that during the week before Christmas everyone will be able to obtain double the usual ration of butcher’s meat, and double rations will be served in all restaurants; between December 16th and January 4th any amount of poultry and game can be purchased without coupons, and it is hoped that there will be a good supply of turkeys.

Twenty thousand tons of apples are expected to arrive imminently from Canada, and the price of fruit is already considerably lower than it was last week thanks to the Ministry’s pricing Order. The Ministry anticipates that a large supply of oranges will be available before Christmas, and that there will also be a supply of nuts from Spain. There is still a shortage of dried fruit; a distribution of currants, raisins, and sultanas will be made over the next few weeks, averaging not more than half a pound per person. It is also expected that loaves of white bread will be available again by Christmas. 

Source: Bedfordshire Standard, 22nd November 1918

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