Sunday 17 January 2016

The First Derby Boys Leave Bedford

Twenty year old Derby Boys ready to leave 
[Bedfordshire Times]

Monday 17th January 1916: The first of the boys who enlisted under the Derby Scheme have left Kempston Barracks for their Bedfordshire units on Saturday. The first to leave were recruits of the 2nd class (aged 19) whose march to the station was headed by the Band of the 2nd Bedfordshire Regiment. They entrained at about 12.30pm, and set of on the first stage of the journey that will lead them to the field of battle. They were followed today by the 20 year olds who also marched behind the Band and seemed quite at home in their new khaki uniforms. At the station they were handed their kit bags, given refreshments, and entrained under the command of Lieutenant E. Small. As the train drew out the band played “Auld Lang Syne”. Two further parties left today and more are expected to follow over the next couple of days.

Source: Bedfordshire Times, 21st January 1916

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