Monday 8 September 2014

When is a German not a German? When he is a Scot

Novelty postcard with pull-out section containing 12 local views, 1915 [Z1130/36/1]

8th September 1914, Dunstable: An odd case was heard at the Dunstable Borough Sessions today. A labourer from Dunstable, Rowland Mowse, had been arrested for using indecent language in the High Street. It appears he had accused another man of being a German spy, swore at him, attempted to trip him, and then used filthy language in the presence of the policeman to whom he denounced the so-called “spy” - who it turned out was actually a Scotsman. The Mayor was furious to hear that the defendant was drunk at the time given that Mowse had recently written to him complaining that his wife and children were in want of food. As the Mayor pointed out, if this was the case Mowse should not have been spending money on drink. They will now be in even worse case, as Mowse was fined £1 with 13 shillings costs, or must serve twenty one days in gaol.

Source: Luton News 10/9/1914

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