Tuesday 28 February 2017

Bedford District Nursing Association

Ref: NB2, entry form the Bedford District Nursing Association Minute Book, 1917
(Bedfordshire Archives & Records Service)

Wednesday 28th February 1917: The annual meeting of the Bedford District Nursing Association took place this afternoon, held at the Institute, Harpur Street, and presided over by Mr Geoffrey Howard. The primary object of the Association is to provide nursing assistance to poor people in their homes free of charge, or for a low fee. It was reported that the organisation was in the black, saved from debt by donations made at the St George’s Flag Day. More volunteers were needed to help collect donations. 14,615 home visits had been made during the year and of these, 12,687 were free of charge. The Committee gave their sincere thanks to the following for donations:

-the Committee of the St George’s Flag Day
-the Trustees of St John’s Hospital
-the Board of Guardians
-Primrose League Working Guild
-Bedford Women’s Liberal Association
-Holy Trinity Senior Girls’ Bible Class

The Committee were also grateful for the donation of 272 pints of Bovril jelly and soup; 148 dinners from joints, poultry, game and fish; 75 puddings and jellies; Benger’s Food; small bottles of Bovril; eggs and milk. The Ladies’ Committee of the Bedfordshire Hospital Guild have also supplied special diets to the patients under the nurses’ care.

In approving the annual report, the Rev W. H Davis pointed out that the men on the Committee did very little, since the ladies were carrying out the work very ably. A Mrs Alfred Paine was praised in particular for her enthusiasm and energies. An appeal was made for more donations from the public, bearing in mind population increases in the districts of Queen’s Park and South Bedford. As a result of the war, it was getting more difficult to secure provisions for poorer people. Total expenditure for nurses’ salaries, uniforms and board for the year was over £354, not including other expense for fuel, printing, insurance, equipment etc. Amongst the nurses’ patients are the mothers, wives and children of soldiers and sailors.

Source: Bedfordshire Standard 2/3/1917

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