Wednesday 6 August 2014

Food Prices

Luton News, 6th August 1914

Thursday 6th August 1914 (Luton): The biggest worry for women in this first week of the war is how to make the housekeeping money stretch. Food prices have already started to rise. No wheat is coming from Russia and England cannot be sure of supplies from America. Wheat prices have risen 30% in a week and all the bakers have agreed to increase the price of a quartern loaf by a halfpenny. Lump sugar has gone up from three pence to five pence. If this continues people will soon not be able to afford to put sugar in their tea. Lard, cheese and butter have also gone up, and condensed milk has doubled in price. Today's local newspaper included a notice posted by the Luton Tradesmen’s Association warning people against buying too much and stockpiling food. Perhaps they should do the same as the Bedford tradesmen who have agreed not to fulfil unreasonably large orders and have promised not to put prices up until they are compelled to do so. It is all very well for those folks who can afford to buy enough to hoard extra food, but many wage packets cannot stretch that far. At least the butchers have promised to try to keep their prices down.

Source: Luton News 6th August 1914

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